Restless Conversations #3: Ecology as Care
Paulo Abrantes

The third Restless Conversation discussed "Ecology as Care", on the 31st of August 2022, at 6 pm, at Rádio Baixa.

Moderated by Patrícia Ferreira (CES). Guest speakers: António Carvalho (CES), Guida Marques (artist, architect, activist), Irina Castro (CES), Ivan Barbeira (Climáximo), Renata Almeida (Movimento ContraMineração Beira Serra).

The narratives of the COVID-19 pandemic weave an imaginary populated by viruses, by the suffering experienced by people affected by the disease, but also by the complex relationships that link diseases, the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations on the planet, and ecological destruction. In this conversation, we will meet researchers and activists committed to ecology, from the issue of seeds and food justice to the climate crisis, the role of lithium in the energy crisis and the protection of the territory we live in. Inspired by an ecological vision of care, these are the stories of those who remain dealing with these issues, as proposed by Donna Haraway, and are committed to creating futures based on ecological repair and care for life and the planet.

> Restless Conversation #4: Art as Care?

about the initiative

CONSVERSAS INQUIETAS: Can care be subversive?

After a year in which the most heard words were Covid-19 and pandemic, we considered it important to focus the 2022 edition on the Ethics of Care. In wanting to discuss this topic, we intend to draw attention to the situations of vulnerability that exist in the world and the inequalities they can cause in terms of inter-social relationships. This is how the first of the festival's activities arises, the Conversas Inquietas, which take place every month at Rádio Baixa's space. In a joint work between activism and theory, in a place where music becomes an act of occupation of public space, we launched the collaboration challenge to the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, to the Mundus collective and to Rádio Baixa to promote a set of of conversations about «care» in a relationship with the city's living agents and the festival's programming.

Restless Conversations #3: Ecology as Care
31 Ago 2022


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