Ágatha Barbosa a.k.a. Cigarra
© Gadutra e Saavedra

DJ, producer and label manager, who grew up in the dense underground scene of São Paulo and participated in the effervescence of its parties and festivals as well as in the original formation of the renowned Voodoohop. For a decade, she has explored unique sets, and from this experience she has created her own sound cocoons. In 2016 she released the EP "Límbica'' and in 2018 "Ato'' by Tropical Twista Records, where she was also a manager and exponent curator of the female compilation Hystereofônica, which has three volumes and more than 60 women involved and now has just become an independent label with a monthly program on Rádio Quântica in Lisbon. Ágatha also expresses her worldview as a VJ and for now lives in Lisbon, where she organizes the Ancestrofuturismo, SOMA and Carniçeira parties, and the performance and music project with Tita Maravilha, Trypas-Corassão. She also produced the soundtrack for plays and performances, among the most recent: “Prantos Invisíveis” (2018), “Trypas Corassão - Spectacle in 2 acts”, “Fado, Samba and Beijos de Língua” (2019) and “Glimpse” (2020). In her soundscapes and productions, she immerses herself in the research of sample appropriation (plunderphonics and copyleft), revealing a popular, peripheral, contemporary and global culture. Brazilian rhythms from different parts of the world come together in a contagious set of hypnotic and seductive frequencies ranging from global bass to downtempo. All of its potential and its focus on female expression inspires a legion of women to sing in unison on her dance floor. Her speech and engagement also make her an important reference for the current Latin American underground electronic scene.

© Gadutra e Saavedra