documentation credits
Documentation, concept and development
Marta Blanco e Janaína Behling
Documentation coordination and editing
Catarina Saraiva
Coordination support
Alexandre Valinho
Webdesign and web development
Joana Daniela Oliveira
Rita Caetano
Dave Tucker
Pim Pam Pum Audiovisual
Eduardo Pinto, José Cruzio, João Duarte
Participation Linha de Fuga
Alexandre Valinho Gigas, António Azenha, António Pita, Asli Bostanci, Beatriz Soares, Bruno Caracol, Camilla Morello, Catarina Saraiva, Eduardo Pinto, Etienne Gentil, Federica Folco, Guillem Mont de Palol, Guilherme Pompeu, Isabel Campante, Isabel Ferreira, Janaína Behling, João Galante, João Telmo, Luciana Fina, Karina Pino, Mafalda Oliveira, Mari Bley, Maria Paula Meneses, Marta Blanco, Miguel Pereira, Mish Grigor, Nóra Barga, Saeed Pezeshki, Sara Jaleco, Sergi Faüstino, Sílvia Pinto Coelho, Thomas Hauert, Tiago Cravidão, Valentina Parravicini, Vasco Neves, Wellington Gadelha
Linha de Fuga – Associação Cultural
Thanks to Janaína’s writings
Ricardo C'est Ça for anthropological interlocutions, Sílvia Coelho for articles on dance, Vasco Neves for sympathy and patience, Aida Bento from Liquidâmbar for organizing dinner tables, and Fran-Samba for facilitating dissemination among Erasmus students, an important support of integration of other foreigners in the city and especially at the event. To for their unconditional support and the provision of the recording equipment.
Direction, script and edition: Marta Blanco
Cameras: Marta Blanco, Mari Bley, Tiago Cravidão, Camilla Morello
Super 8 Imagens: Courtesy of family Díez Alaejos
Artists of Linha de Fuga Festival in order of appearance:
Correspondence 1: Luciana Fina, Saeed Pezeshki
Correspondence 3: Etienne Gentil, Sara Jaleco, Camilla Morello, João Telmo, Karina Pino, Nóra Barna, Asli Bostanci
Correspondence 5: Tiago Cravidão, Bruno Caracol, Alexandre Gigas, Mari Bley, Mish Grigor, Guillem Mont de Palol, Sílvia Pinto Coelho, Valentina Parravicini, António Azenha
People interviewed in order of appearance:
Correspondence 5: Bruno Sena Martins, Manuela Bravo
Artistic processes in order of appearance Correspondence 5:
“O enxame e a multidão” by Bruno Caracol
“Tricotomia da vaidade” by João Telmo
“TransHumÂncia” by Sara Jaleco & Etienne Gentil
“TUR (Paisage escénico)” by Saeed Pezeshki
“Exit strategies” by Mish Grigor
“Caprichos #2| Composition in Retrospect” by Sílvia Pinto Coelho
“Altrove” by Valentina Parravicini
“Depois do fim Antes do começo” by Nóra Barna
Pieces in order of appearance
Correspondence 1: final scene of “Miracolo a Milano” by Vittorio de Sica
Correspondence 5: Poem “Estou no momento da ausência de um fósforo” by Alexandre Gigas
Short movie: COBRA na coroa, FLECHA Fogo & excerpt of ARCO reflexo from BR in CHEQ by Mari Bley
Excerpt of “Verdes Anos” by Carlos Paredes
Excerpt of “Liberdade” by Sérgio Godinho
Excerpt of “Sobe, sobe balão sobe” by Manuela Bravo
Excerpt of “Mar alto” from the album “Fado por condição”, by Manuela Bravo
Thanks: The neighbors of Coimbra because they are also protagonists of this story, to PhD students in Postcolonialism and Global Citizenship for their generous observation, to Catarina Saraiva for her patience and encouragement.