Ynaiê Dawson
Ynaiê Dawson
Arte processual

Desde 2013 faz parte do coletivo de arte carioca OPAVIVARÁ! no seio do qual desenvolve trabalhos e ações que reivindicam a participação ativa da audiência, tanto em espaços institucionais de museus e galerias, como em espaços públicos, festivais e feiras de arte. Destaque para exposições individuais na Tate Liverpool (2018), Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Nova Zelândia (2019) e nas bienais de São Paulo (2016), Havana (2015) e Taipei (2014).

Member of Rio based art collective OPAVIVARÁ! since 2013, with whom she develops works that propose active audience participation, both in institutional spaces, such as museums and galleries as well as in public spaces, festivals and art fairs. Recent solo shows include Tate Liverpool (2018) and Dunedin Public Art Gallery in New Zealand (2019) and participation at the Biennials of São Paulo (2016), Havana (2015) and Taipei (2014).
Member of the project Cozinha Radicante, with whom she investigates the frontiers between art and the culinary worlds through a research lab, workshops and courses (Parque Lage Visual Art School, Rio de Janeiro, 2016) she has also participated in exhibitions, the latest being CookBook’19, a show that included artists and chefs and took place at La Panacée, Montpellier, France (2019).
Graduate in photography (Universidade Estácio de Sá, Rio de Janeiro, 1999-2003) and post graduate in media (Slade School of Fine Arts, London, 2003-2004) she has a master’s in aesthetic philosophy (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2009-2011). She also took part in the independent art schools Maumaus, in Lisbon (2007-2008) and Parque Lage, in Rio de Janeiro (1999-2003).


No meio de aquecidos debates sobre a sustentabilidade do planeta, a agenda sobre produção, difusão e consumo dos alimentos está mais que nunca em alta. Inúmeras iniciativas, teorias e conspirações surgem no cenário social e político, questionando ou propondo novas soluções para alimentarmos uma população com fome e sede de absorver cada vez mais. E neste cenário nada deveria ser mais democrático que o alimento, um direito básico que infelizmente não se verifica na realidade, nem na sua distribuição e diversificação e muito menos na sua qualidade.
A partir de trocas propostas ao longo da residência, a receita propõe-se ser a soma de experiências que se fundam no corpo e na necessidade de nos alimentarmos tanto física quanto intelectualmente. Pensar o ato de cozinhar e o ritual à volta da mesa como gestos revolucionários, no contexto da ditadura da indústria alimentar que nos é imposta. Proponho partilhar um momento prazeroso de comer juntos para juntos digerirmos o mundo à nossa volta.

Amongst heated debates around the sustainability of the planet, the issues around the production and consumption of food are in the headlines more than ever. A great number of initiatives, theories and conspiracies arise in the social and political scenario, questioning or proposing new solutions to feed a population that is insatiably hungry and thirsty to absorb increasingly more. And in this context, nothing should be more democratic than food. A basic right that unfortunately is not verified as such in reality, neither in its distribution nor in its diversification, let alone in its quality.

From exchanges proposed throughout the residency period, the recipe aims to be the sum of collective experiences founded in the body and its need to be fed both physically and intellectually. To think of the act of cooking and the ritual of sitting around the table as revolutionary gestures in the face of an imposed dictatorship of the food industry.

I propose to share a pleasurable moment of eating together in order to collectively digest the world around us.